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  • 24 Feb 2022 8:47 AM | Anonymous

    On April 1, 2022, the 1950 United States census will be released to the public. (Hey! That's only a bit more than 5 weeks from now!) To get prepared for that release, you might want to review the questions that appear in that census.

    The 1950 census population questionnaire asked fewer questions than its predecessor; the full population was asked only 20 questions. Enumerators asked additional supplemental questions of a 20 percent (questions 21–33) and 3.5 percent (questions 34–38) sample of the population. Enumerators asked the following questions, listed by column:


    Name of street, avenue or road where the household is located

    Home or apartment number

    Serial number of dwelling unit

    Is this house on a farm (or ranch)?

    If no, is this house on a place of three or more acres?

    Corresponding agriculture questionnaire number


    Relationship to head



    How old was this person on his last birthday?

    Is this person now married, widowed, divorced, separated, or never married?

    Enumerators were to enter "Mar" for married, "Wd" for widowed, "D" for divorced, "Sep" for separated, or "Nev" for never married

    What State or country was the person born in?

    If foreign born, is the person naturalized?

    For persons 14 years of age and over

    What was this person doing most of last week - working, keeping house, or something else?

    Enumerators were to record "Wk" for working, "H" for keeping house, "U" for unable to work, or "Ot" for other

    If the person was "keeping house" or "something else" in question 15, did the person do any work at all last week, not counting work around the house? (Including work-for-pay, in his own business, working on a farm or unpaid family work)

    If the person answered "no" to question 16, was he looking for work?

    If the person answered "no" to question 17, even if he didn't work last week, does he have a job or business?

    If the person was working, how many hours did he or she work in the last week?

    What kind of work does the person do?

    What kind of business or industry is the person in?

    Class of worker the person is.

    Enumerators were to mark "P" for private employment, "G" for government employment, "O" for own business, or "NP" for working without pay

    Supplemental Questions for a 20 Percent Sample of the Population

    For all ages

    Was the person living in the same house a year ago?

    If no to question 21, was the person living on a farm a year ago?

    If no to question 21, was the person living in the same county a year ago?

    If no to question 23...

    What county (or nearest place) was he living in a year ago?

    What state or foreign country was he living in a year ago?

    What country were the person's mother and father born in?

    What is the highest grade of school that the person has attended?

    Enumerators were to mark "0" for no school; "K" for kindergarten; "S1" through "S12" depending on the last year of elementary or secondary school attended; "C1" through "C4" depending on the last year of undergraduate college education attended; or "C5" for any graduate or professional school.

    Did the person finish this grade?

    Has the person attended school since February 1st?

    Enumerators could check a box for "yes" or "no" for those under thirty; for those over thirty, they were to check a box for "30 or over."

    For persons 14 years and older

    29. If the person is looking for work, how many weeks has he been looking for work?

    30. Last year, how many weeks did this person not work at all, not counting work around the house?

    31a. Last year, how much money did the person earn working as an employee for wages or salary?

    31b. Last year, how much money did the person earn working at his own business, professional occupation, or farm?

    31c. Last year, how much money did the person receive from interest, dividends, veteran's allowances, pensions, rents, or other income (aside from earnings)?

    32a. If this person is the head of the household: last year, how much money did his relatives in this household earn working for wages or salary?

    32b. If this person is the head of the household: last year, how much money did the person earn working at his own business, professional occupation, or farm?

    32b. If this person is the head of the household: last year, how much money did the person receive from interest, dividends, veteran's allowances, pensions, rents, or other income (aside from earnings)?

    33. If male: did he ever serve in the U.S. Armed Forces during...

    World War II

    World War I

    Any other time, including present service

    Supplemental Questions for a 3.5 Percent Sample of the Population

    34. To enumerator: if the person worked in the last year, is there any entry in columns 20a, 20b, or 20c?

    If yes, skip to question 36; if no, make entries for questions 35a, 35b, and 35c.

    35a. What kind of work does this person do in his job?

    35b. What kind or business or industry does this person work in?

    35c. Class of worker

    36. If ever married, has this person been married before?

    37. If married, widowed, divorced, or separated, how many years since this event occurred?

    38. If female and ever married, how many children has she ever borne, not counting stillbirths?

  • 24 Feb 2022 8:18 AM | Anonymous

    Randy Waites was watching the local television news two months ago at his home near Sacramento when he saw somebody appear briefly on the screen who shared his last name.

    The man, a tourist identified as Edward Waites, was being interviewed by KCRA Channel 3 about a major snowstorm that was about to hit Lake Tahoe during his family vacation there. Randy Waites, 55, quickly hit “pause” on the TV and took a photo of the screen. Then he called in his kids, who were in the next room.

    “Hey, look at this,” Randy said that afternoon, Dec. 22, as he pointed at the television. “We have the same name. It’s probably a coincidence, but I wonder if there’s a family connection.”

    It turns out there was a family connection, one that is much closer than what Randy Waites had guessed. You can read the full story in an article by Cathy Free published in the Washington Post at

  • 24 Feb 2022 8:06 AM | Anonymous

    The following was written by the Kentucky Genealogical Society:

    Finding Your Celtic Ancestors

    The Kentucky Genealogical Society will host a five-session webinar series on "Finding Your Celtic Ancestors" during March for $40 USD.  You can register for this series at

    Wanting to research your Irish and Scottish ancestors? Struggling to piece together these branches of your family tree?
    This five-part webinar series offered by the Kentucky Genealogical Society throughout the month of March brings you three of the world's leading genealogical educators on the topic:
      • Pamela Guye Holland
      • Chris Paton
      • Maurice Gleeson
    All webinars are recorded and available for one month to view on-demand. If you can't make the live webinar or you find yourself having internet or technology challenges, you'll be able to view the webinars on-demand as often as you'd like for one month following the live events. If you aren't a member, you will be sent an email with links to all five webinars at the completion of the series.
      1. Monday, March 7: 4 to 5 p.m. PST: "Where Did They Come From: Irish Migration Routes" with Pamela Guye Holland

      2. Tuesday, March 15: 4 to 5 p.m. PDT: "Researching in Irish Records" with Pamela Guye Holland

      3. Saturday, March 19: 11 a.m. to 12 noon PDT: "Discover Scottish Church Records" with Chris Paton

      4. Saturday, March 19: 12:10 to 1:30 p.m. PDT: "Scottish Marriage - Instantly Buckled for Life" with Chris Paton

      5. Saturday, March 26: 11 a.m. to 12 noon PDT: "DNA and Irish Genealogy: Where to Now" with Maurice Gleeson
  • 23 Feb 2022 7:43 PM | Anonymous

    Larry Bleiberg has written an article about places to go to get started in finding your family tree. Writing, in USA TODAY, Bleiberg suggests all sorts of things from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City to cruise ships and even at a five-star resort in Ireland (useful for Irish ancestry, obviously). The article was published in 2014 but is still useful today.

    You can read 10 Great Places to Trace Family Roots by Larry Bleiberg at

    As I read the article, I had to agree that each place listed was a great resource but I believe Bleiberg overlooked the best place of all: start at home. Talk to your older relatives first as they often can provide more information than any (expensive) trip to a distant archive.

    If you still live within driving distance of your most recent ancestors, you also should check out local resources. Local libraries, courthouses, and other resources often provide much more information than do distant archives.

    Visit a local Family History Center near you. There are thousands of them around the world and they provide huge resources. You can find your nearest Family History Center by starting at

    Traveling to a distant archive without preparation and expecting to find information there is usually disappointing. You cannot walk in and say "Please show me the book of all my ancestors." It simply doesn't work that way. More than one unprepared would-be family tree seeker has been disappointed after visiting a major genealogy archive.

    Always do your homework first. Learn as much as possible BEFORE you make the trip. The better prepared you are, the higher the odds of success.

    As good as Larry Bleiberg's article may be, I would suggest it should be the SECOND article you read. I'd suggest the first one should be Getting Started With Your Family History at

  • 23 Feb 2022 8:29 AM | Anonymous

    The following is a press release issued by U.S. Congresswoman Alma Adams (D-NC-12) and Representatives A. Donald McEachin (D-VA-04), and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA-01):

    Bipartisan Legislation Would Establish Preservation Program through National Park Service

    WASHINGTON, DC – Today, in honor of Black History Month, Congresswoman Alma Adams (D-NC-12) and Representatives A. Donald McEachin (D-VA-04), and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA-01) introduced the bipartisan African American Burial Grounds Preservation Act was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. The African American Burial Grounds Preservation Act, would establish a program at the National Park Service to provide grant opportunities and technical assistance to local partners to research, identify, survey and preserve these historic sites.

    Text of the legislation is available here.

    “Graveyards, burial grounds, and cemeteries not only honor our ancestors; they’re also an important resource for historians and genealogists who want to tell our history. However, the burial sites of African Americans are often forgotten or ignored,” said Congresswoman Adams. “This dishonors the memories of those who came before us and obscures our nation’s history. That’s why I’m proud to introduce the ‘African American Burial Grounds Preservation Act.’ with Senator Brown and Representative McEachin. This legislation will provide federal support for historic African American burial grounds to ensure their preservation. I can’t think of a better time than Black History Month to take an affirmative step to preserve our history for generations to come.”

    “Since the inception of our country, the graves of African Americans have suffered unjust abuse and neglect,” said Rep. McEachin. “These burial sites hold the untold stories of millions of African Americans and the integral role they played in our nation’s trajectory. I am proud to stand alongside Congresswoman Adams and Senator Brown to introduce the African American Burial Grounds Preservation Act to preserve predominantly Black cemeteries and other resting places. The protection of these burial grounds is long overdue and critical to ensuring a more complete, comprehensive understanding of America’s history.”

    Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) introduced a companion bill in the Senate last week with bipartisan cosponsor Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT).

    “As a nation, we have not invested the necessary resources to preserve these hallowed grounds. That’s why we’ve worked with the community, and with civil rights, veterans, and historic preservation groups to introduce bipartisan legislation to preserve historic Black burial grounds around the country,” said Senator Brown. “Cemeteries like Union Baptist are important historical sites, and they’re tools for education and understanding the American story. We need to act now before these sites are lost to the ravages of time or development.”

    Last Congress, Reps. McEachin and Adams introduced the African American Burial Grounds Network Act to create a voluntary national network of historic African-American burial grounds. Today’s legislation will take more immediate steps, establish a competitive grant program, and aid localities in acquiring the funding necessary to preserve these burial sites.

    Scores of local, state, and national organizations are supporting the legislation, including the Coalition for American Heritage, United Negro College Fund, Sierra Club, National Parks Conservation Association, Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Archaeological Institute of America, American Anthropological Association, American Battlefield Trust, American History Press, Fearnbach History Services, The National Trust for Historic Preservation, New South Associates, Preservation Action and the Society of Black Archaeologists Society for Historical Archaeology.

  • 22 Feb 2022 10:22 AM | Anonymous

    The following announcement was written by MyHeritage:

    We are pleased to announce the publication of 5.8 million records from 28 historical record collections of Jewish historical records. The collections span the 18th–21st centuries and contain vital records such as birth, marriage, death, as well as tax, voter, immigration, and obituary records, from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Germany, Hungary, the U.S., the U.K., Ireland, and more. These records are invaluable for anyone researching their European Jewish heritage.

    The release of these records — made possible thanks to MyHeritage’s collaboration with the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust and its affiliate, JewishGen, a leading website for Jewish genealogy — constitutes the first installment of a licensing agreement that will ultimately make almost all the JewishGen records accessible on MyHeritage. Future installments will include important Jewish historical record collections from North Africa, the Middle East, North America and more European collections.

    These collections further expand MyHeritage’s extensive resources for Jewish genealogy.  Through its member base of one million users in Israel, MyHeritage is home to the world’s largest collection of Jewish family trees and is the only major commercial genealogy company to support Hebrew. Furthermore, MyHeritage’s collections of global historical records include millions of records that are valuable to individuals researching Jewish heritage, such as passenger and immigration lists that document the wave of Jews seeking refuge in North America, South America, and Israel after their communities were devastated by the Holocaust.

    The full announcement may be found at:

  • 22 Feb 2022 9:25 AM | Anonymous

    The following book review was written by Bobbi King:

    Call Me John

    By Michael Schoenholtz. Self-published. 2021. 149 pages.

    Isadore Katz, 14 years young, walked through and out the door of his family’s home and never returned. If he glanced around with residual doubt about his deliberate leave-taking, he saw nothing that would draw him back. The mystery of his forever absence and the shadow of his loss hung over the family for nearly a century.

    Decades later, when Michael Schoenholtz’s father saw his son beginning research on the family, he asked if he could possibly resolve the mystery of his vanished uncle Isadore.

    Early on, the author enjoyed the company of a whole new clan of cousins recruited via their shared DNA matches. Emails full of family information brought excitement and enlightenment to Mr. Schoenholtz, but the conclusions he came to, and shared with this other side of the DNA family, were not so joyfully received by the new cousins. Gradually, his online family relationships fizzled, but Mr. Schoenholtz had his answers, and he was satisfied they were certain ones.

    This must be the most gratifying of family discoveries to find when a researcher begins the search into the unknown. Hoping for the best, apprehensive about the worst, the family genealogist plows ahead and can only present the story that emerges from the proofs.

    Here, Mr. Schoenholtz researched apart the curtains that concealed the extinct life of his father’s uncle. Isadore may have disremembered his origin family, but his origin family always remembered him.

    Call Me John, with answers now to aged questions, narrates the second life of the mourned Isadore. It’s a memoir devoted to an uncle and ancestor whose enigmatic decision to leave, and puzzling determination to be eternally anonymous to his founding family, can never be positively identified, but at least now his explorations, encounters, waypoints, jobs, and destinations can be told.

    The Whys can never be answered, but at least now, the Wheres are known.

    Call Me John by Michael Schoenholtz may be purchased from Amazon at as well as from the author at

  • 21 Feb 2022 6:46 PM | Anonymous

    While one University of South Florida anthropologist continues her work further exploring more than 40 unmarked cemeteries and burial grounds in Hillsborough County, another is focusing on lost Black cemeteries.

    Forgotten cemeteries are an issue nationally and here in the greater Tampa Bay region. A disproportionate number of them held Black graves.

    Last week, Hillsborough County commissioners voted to further explore — with ground-penetrating radar and other technologies — three possible forgotten burial grounds in the county.

    You can read the remainder of this story by Daylina Miller in the WUSF News web site at:

  • 21 Feb 2022 9:09 AM | Anonymous

    Like any new mother, Kathryn Jones thought the baby she was handed at Duncan Physicians and Surgeons Hospital on May 18, 1964, was the most beautiful child she had ever seen. “I loved her from that second that they laid her in my arms,” she said in a recent interview, pausing before adding: “Never once did I think she was not mine.”

    But according to a lawsuit filed in Stephens County District Court in Oklahoma, the infant Jones cradled and took home was not her biological daughter at all. Citing multiple home DNA tests, Jones alleges that employees at the hospital handed her the wrong baby more than 50 years ago, leading her to raise a child who was not her own.

    Now, she and her daughter are struggling to pick up the pieces.

    You can read the rest of the story in an article by Emily Shugerman published in The Daily Beast web site at:

  • 21 Feb 2022 8:57 AM | Anonymous

    An archival activist who’s long been a thorn in the side of New York bureaucrats says an attempted cash grab by the city sparked her bid to get millions of its historical records — so she can put them online, for free, “forever,” according to a lawsuit.

    Brooke Schreier Ganz’s nonprofit, Reclaim the Records, has already put online more than 30 million public documents since 2015, including searchable indexes listing old births, deaths and marriages. The group targets records it says are “wrongly restricted” by local governments.

    A New York native who lives in California, Ganz and Reclaim the Records have already beaten the city in court three times as it fights for records. Brooke Schreier Ganz and Reclaim the Records have already beaten New York City in court three times over records issues.

    The fed-up group filed its largest Freedom of Information request yet in October 2020, after the Municipal Archives proposed new restrictions and new fees on how the public could use the city’s historical records, none of which are restricted by copyright and “some of which predate the founding of the United States,” Ganz said.

    “No one else is trying to make a buck off historical records like New York has,” Ganz told The Post.

    Since then, Ganz and Reclaim the Records have sought copies of all historical records the city has already digitized, which could amount to about 8 million documents, genealogist Alec Ferretti said.

    “And we are going to put them all online for free public use, without any restrictions, costs, paywalls, subscriptions, or copyrights,” the group says on its web site.

    You can read more in an article by James Thompson at:

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