Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter

EOGN Chat Room

This chat room is open to everyone 24 hours a day. However, you should be aware there is no one else here most of the time. If you and a friend wish to use the Chat Room at any time, please do so!

We do invite you to join us every Tuesday evening at 10 pm Eastern U.S. time for our scheduled "all-purpose chats." Sometimes we talk about genealogy and related topics, sometimes not.  Sometimes the Tuesday evening sessions are just general chit-chat with only one rule: we always interrupt the chit-chats whenever anyone asks a genealogy-related question. Everyone in the Chat Room then focuses on the genealogy-related question.

We do ask you to be polite and to not use profanity, spam, sexual innuendos, personal attacks, derogatory comments, or anything else that is inappropriate. In short, we ask you to only use language that would make your mother proud of your words.

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