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Would You Like to Customize the Email Messages You Receive From This Newsletter?

17 Apr 2024 1:47 PM | Anonymous

On April 8, I published an article telling how to obtain email messages listing all the newly-published articles on this web site. If you would like to read that article again, you can find it at:

The new procedure seems to be working well. I have even received a few email messages thanking me for the article and the new service from Blogtrottr. However, is it possible that you would like to receive the email messages in a somewhat different format? Perhaps you would like receive more or fewer email messages per day? (2/4/6/8/12 hourly or daily digests of those email messages are available.) Perhaps you would prefer to have those email messages sent to a different email address? Perhaps you would prefer to read those new email messages in a Firefox feed reader? Perhaps you would prefer to have the option of adding static text or tags to the email subject?

Or perhaps you would prefer to unsubscribe from those messages? (Horrors!) Details for all that may be found at:

Or perhaps you would prefer to not see the advertisements in those messages? (That costs a little bit of money.) Instructions may be found at:


  • 17 Apr 2024 2:16 PM | Anonymous
    Dick, I'm finally glad to be getting your daily posts. It seems there was a time that nothing other than the weekly post was getting through. The new blogtrottr service seems to be working fine. I don't mind having ads, but the nature of the ads I'm getting, usually for viagra-type medication, with words and photos, are a bit risque for my office (FamilySearch) and I feel that I need to wait until I'm home to open up the daily posts. Is there a way to control the ads so they're more in line with the nature of your blog?
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    • 22 Apr 2024 12:49 PM | Anonymous
      —> Is there a way to control the ads so they're more in line with the nature of your blog?

      Yes. You can stop all the ads, although doing so costs a modest amount of money.

      See: for more information.
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