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  • 8 Mar 2021 5:10 PM | Anonymous

    This article was removed because of a significant typo error in the source document that resulted in a mix-up. I am investigating the error and will republish it again here if a corrected source document is located.

     - Dick Eastman

  • 8 Mar 2021 4:49 PM | Anonymous

    NOTE: See the update to this article at:

    The following announcement was written by the organizers of the FHF REALLY USEFUL Family History Show:

    The virtual shows of February are over! Family historians can now ready themselves for the second the Federation of Family History Societies' REALLY USEFUL Family History Show, to be hosted by the Family History Federation and Parish Chest on Saturday 10th April. The show builds on the success of the first Show held last November.

    There are over twenty top presentations on a wide range of genealogical topics. Plus over sixty exhibitors are already confirmed who will be actively manning their booths and happy to discuss topics with visitors. Many talks will be available for up to seven days from opening of the show giving attendees ample time to visit exhibitors on the day then catch up on talks later. In addition there will be workshops along with the ever-popular “Ask the Experts” (pre-booking essential). And don’t forget the goody bag…!

    Regular updates will be on:

    This is THE show for unique opportunity in one place to visit many family history societies for access to local expertise and information, plus other organisations providing supplies for the family historian. And to enjoy over twenty full-length presentations by leading specialists. A comment from an attendee at the last show says it all: The talks were brilliant and it was a great chance to ask for advice from various family history societies.

    All this without leaving your armchair!

    All inclusive tickets are just £10 per person

    BOOK NOW to visit the festival of Really Useful things for family historians!

  • 8 Mar 2021 10:49 AM | Anonymous

    An article in the TechCrunch web site describes the success of's latest offering, referring to it as "Deep Nostalgia." The new app has had more than In only 11 days, millions of people have created 26 million animations using Deep Nostalgia™!

    Here are 2 such "before and after" photos : The photo son the left shows the original black-and-whit still photos and the one on the right shows the same photo after automatic conversion by MyHeritage's "Deep Nostalgia" software.

    This groundbreaking new photo feature allows you to animate the faces of your loved ones in still photos and has taken the internet by storm.

    Disclaimer: is the sponsor of this newsletter.

    The article states:

    "MyHeritage’s recently launched update that lets users animate their old photos helped to send the app to the top of the App Store this week. The company had last week introduced “Deep Nostalgia” — a facial animation feature powered by technology from Israeli tech company (and TechCrunch Battlefield alum) D-ID. To animate the photos, the tech maps the facial features from the photo to a driver video to create what it calls a “live portrait.”

    You can find the article at: and then scroll down to the second article in that column.

    You can also read more details about the "Deep Nostalgia" Animated Family Photos" in the MyHeritage Blog at

  • 8 Mar 2021 10:10 AM | Anonymous
    The following announcement was written by the (U.S.) National Genealogical Society:

    FALLS CHURCH, VA, 8 MARCH 2021—Only a few days are left for family historians and three representatives from each NGS society or organization to receive a discount on registration for the National Genealogical Society (NGS) Virtual Family History Conference, 17−21 May 2021. After 15 March, the price of registration for NGS 2021 Live! and On-Demand! will increase $50 across the various packages. To qualify for the early-bird discount, you must register online by 15 March.

    Join us on Wednesday and Thursday, 19‒20 May, for NGS’s premier two-day virtual conference event― NGS 2021 Live!. Speakers include two award-winning authors, Dani Shapiro, author of Inheritance, and Ric Murphy, author of Arrival of the First Africans in Virginia. Other nationally recognized speakers will join them, including Barbara Vines Little, the keynote speaker for the opening session, Eric Grundset, Thomas W. Jones, Janice Lovelace, Elizabeth Shown Mills, Judy Russell, Craig Scott, and more. The two-day event also features the announcement of winners for NGS awards; the newest genealogical products and services from exhibitors in our virtual expo hall; and drawings for exciting genealogy-related prizes.

    In addition to NGS 2021 Live!, NGS offers a choice of either a twenty or forty lecture package on-demand. Those who purchase a package may choose from more than eighty-five on-demand sessions available for viewing starting in June. Program content includes bonus lectures provided by conference sponsors and sponsoring organizations.

    NGS will host additional events throughout the week. On Monday, 17 May, the Delegate Council Kickoff Workshop focuses on helping delegates understand their role within NGS. Tuesday presents the debut of the SLAM! Idea Showcase, included in all NGS 2021 Live! packages, which highlights creative and innovative projects or programs by societies, libraries, archives, and museums (SLAMs). The week ends with Focus on Societies on Friday, an all-day event devoted to presentations offering expert advice for society leaders on managing and growing their genealogical or historical society.

    Take advantage of the discounted Early-Bird registration fee, plus member discounts, when you sign up by 15 March 2021. NGS societies and organizations should have their representatives contact our Conference Registrar at to have up to three officers or directors register at the member rate.

  • 5 Mar 2021 11:03 AM | Anonymous

    The following in an announcement from TheGenealogist:

    TheGenealogist has released over 150,000 individuals to its ever expanding Military Record Collection. Containing names, places and dates, these publications can aid the family history researcher find their ancestors and build a fascinating story of their lives. With records from Britain, Canada and a number of Indian registers and directories, these searchable records contain lists of men and women who served their country in various capacities connected to the military, and not just on the front line.

    Included in the latest release is The War Office List 1920, where we can find a Miss Florence Agnes Hebb who had been Deputy Chief Superintendent of Typists at the War Office. We can follow her appointments from December 1890, when she first joined the War Office as a typist, to receiving an M.B.E in January 1918 and then becoming Controller of Typists at the Air Ministry in March of that year.

    Another record, the Monthly Official Military Directory for Salisbury Plain, April 1914, finds the fledgling Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding when he was an Army Captain, ‘under instruction’ in WW1 and attending the Central Flying School at Upavon, Wiltshire.

    The records can be used to discover more about an ancestor’s achievements and are fantastic for identifying where next to apply your research. These books can give dates of postings along with ranks or positions held in establishments, as well as a great deal more useful information that may help to build a better family history.

    Use these records to:

    • Add dates and details to the lives of your ancestors

    • Discover where they served

    • Fill in gaps in the information that you already have on an ancestor

    • Find hints and ‘signposts’ to other records and places to search for forebears.

    These records will often allow us to recount a much more rounded picture of the life of a person and so enrich the telling of their story.

    You can read how, from his entry in the Monthly Official Military Directory for Salisbury Plain, April 1914, we then traced a rising star of the air force through a myriad of other military records on TheGenealogist.

    Included in this release are:

    A List of the Royal Military College at Sandhurst 1833, Bombay Artillery List of Officers 1749-1902, Canada, Defence Forces List August 1938, Canada Defence Forces List November 1939, Colonial Office List for 1914, East-India Register and Directory 28th August 1821, Gradation List of Officers of the British Army July 1924, Graduation List of Officers of the British Army Oct 1915, India List Civil and Military July 1881, Northern Command Official Directory No. 45 Nov 1938, Records of Clan Campbell in the Military Service of the Honourable East India Company 1600-1858, Rules And List Of Members Imperial Service Club, Salisbury Plain Military Directory April 1914, War Office List 1939, War Office List 1920, Western Command Official Directory No. 12 April 1938

    About TheGenealogist

    TheGenealogist is an award-winning online family history website, who put a wealth of information at the fingertips of family historians. Their approach is to bring hard to use physical records to life online with easy to use interfaces such as their Tithe and newly released Lloyd George Domesday collections.

    TheGenealogist’s innovative SmartSearch technology links records together to help you find your ancestors more easily. TheGenealogist is one of the leading providers of online family history records. Along with the standard Birth, Marriage, Death and Census records, they also have significant collections of Parish and Nonconformist records, PCC Will Records, Irish Records, Military records, Occupations, Newspaper record collections amongst many others.

    TheGenealogist uses the latest technology to help you bring your family history to life. Use TheGenealogist to find your ancestors today!

  • 5 Mar 2021 8:14 AM | Anonymous

    The following is an announcement from Findmypast:

    Findmypast have just added thousands of baptism and marriage records from Essex and Kent to their ever expanding collection of British family history records.

    Unlock the power of parish records with these latest Findmypast Friday new releases. Here are all the details on what's new.

    Essex Baptisms

    In partnership with the Family History Federation, Findmypast have added over 38,000 new records to this collection. These new records cover 16 Anglican churches and span over 380 years of Essex history. This update includes records from:

      • Blackmore, St Laurence
      • Bobbingworth, St Germain
      • Chipping Ongar, St Martin of Tours
      • Epping Upland, All Saints
      • Great Bromley, St George
      • Harlow, St John the Baptist
      • Hatfield Broad Oak, St Mary the Virgin
      • High Laver, All Saints
      • High Ongar, St Mary the Virgin
      • High Roding, All Saints
      • Latton, St Mary at Latton
      • Little Laver, St Mary the Virgin
      • Magdalen Laver, St Mary Magdalen
      • Moreton, St Mary the Virgin
      • South Weald, St Peter
      • Waltham Holy Cross, St Lawrence & Holy Cross

    Findmypast’s Essex parish list includes details on the entire collection including year coverage and the number of records from each church.

    Kent Baptisms

    Was your ancestor christened in Kent? Over 10,000 new records from two parishes have joined the collection.

    These latest additions cover the parishes of Chelsfield, St Martin of Tours and Greenwich, St Alphege and stretch from 1640-1910. The Kent parish list includes all the churches in this extensive collection.

    Kent Marriages

    Continue tracing Kent family milestones with over 9,000 new marriage records from three churches, covering 1750-1936.

    The newest arrivals come from Lewisham, Westerham and Eltham. Use them to enrich the Kent branches of your family tree with essential details.


    Findmypast have published 12 brand new newspapers and added thousands more pages to 12 existing titles. Does your family’s local paper feature? Brand new this week are:

    To celebrate St David's Day this week, Findmypast’s latest releases also include five publications from Wales, three of them published in the native Welsh language.

    Meanwhile, the following titles have been supplemented with extra pages:

  • 4 Mar 2021 3:51 PM | Anonymous
    Here is the announcement:

    IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy
    Set for Virtual and In-person in Philadelphia Aug. 2-5, 2021

    Registration now open

    The 41st Annual IAJGS (International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies) International Conference on Jewish Genealogy will take place in historic Philadelphia, PA, Aug. 2- 5, 2021, with a virtual component as well.

    The conference will feature more than 100 speakers, with more than 250 sessions covering virtually every aspect of Jewish genealogy.

    “Based on the successful full virtual format last year, there will again be a virtual component,” said Judi Missel, lead co-chair. “We are also planning our usual in-person conference with all its benefits, dependent on the situation with COVID.” Judi is a long-standing IAJGS Conference Administrative Manager and its 2019 Volunteer of the Year.

    “We are excited to host this year’s Conference in Philadelphia, a city with a vibrant Jewish community and an abundance of historical attractions and genealogical resources,” said local co-chair Fred Blum, a past president of the Jewish Genealogical and Archival Society of Greater Philadelphia, the local co-host with IAJGS.

    Early Bird registration is now open and will continue until May 31. Due to social distancing restrictions, attendance to the Conference will be limited; therefore, a Wait List will be created. Registration for all meals and computer labs is expected to open soon. Registration and conference program details are posted on the conference website: Ongoing information and questions will also be posted on the IAJGS Conference Discussion Facebook page at

    The special Conference tracks are: Early Jewish Settlers of the Americas, Innovative Methodology, Keepers of the Shoah Memory, Beginners, DNA Insights for Genealogy, and Heritage and Cultural Material.

    Programs at the Conference will be geared from first-timers to conference veterans, and will include lectures, lunches, computer labs, and networking through Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Birds of a Feather (BOFs). An Exhibitor Hall and Resource Library will include genealogy experts, mentors and archivists for a one-stop research experience at the conference site.

    Keynote speaker will be Michael Hoberman, professor of American Literature at Fitchburg State University in Massachusetts and author of the books New Israel/New England: Jews and Puritans in Early America and A Hundred Acres of America: The Geography of Jewish American Literature.

    The IAJGS is an umbrella organization of more than 93 Jewish genealogical societies worldwide. It coordinates and organizes activities such as its annual International Conference on Jewish Genealogy and provides a unified voice as the spokesperson on behalf of its members.

    The IAJGS’s vision is of a worldwide network of Jewish genealogical research organizations and partners working together as one coherent, effective and respected community, enabling people to succeed in researching Jewish ancestry and heritage. Find the IAJGS at: and like us on Facebook at

  • 4 Mar 2021 12:11 PM | Anonymous

    Did you suffer losses in the Cookeville, Tennessee tornado last year? If so, did some of those losses include family photographs that "disappeared" from your home as the tornado did its damage? If so, you should know that many pictures of graduations, weddings, and newborn photoshoots are now sitting in boxes for safekeeping at Tennessee Technology University.

    If one or more of these photos are yours, you can reclaim them, thanks to the work of archivist Megan Atkinson. She has organized the pictures alphabetically in boxes. They are memories that were once in a photo album or hanging on a wall.

    You do not have to travel to campus to see the pictures. Atkinson has a Flicker page with the photographs cataloged.

    You can read the details in an article by Abby Kousouris in the WVLT website at:

  • 4 Mar 2021 11:40 AM | Anonymous

    More than a Million people attended last week's RootsTech Connect virtual conference!

    Following last week’s first virtual-only RootsTech Connect, organizers have counted more than 1.1 million participants from over 240 countries and territories — by far the largest global gathering in the conference’s 10-year history.

    Last year’s event only drew about 130,000 (in person and online attendance).

    For Elder Kevin S. Hamilton, a General Authority Seventy and executive director of the Family History Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Steve Rockwood, CEO of FamilySearch International, this is only the beginning.

    You can read the details in an article by Trent Toone in the DeseretNews web site at:

  • 3 Mar 2021 9:48 PM | Anonymous

    WARNING: This is a "soapbox article" in which I rant and rave a little.

    A newsletter reader wrote to me a while ago expressing unhappiness with all the erroneous information found in online family trees. The bogus information is usually found in family tree information submitted by other users of whatever online family tree service is being used at the moment.

    My belief is that this newsletter reader wasn’t spending much time looking at online images of census, birth, marriage, and death records or at other online documents of value to genealogists: old newspapers, military pension files, and such things.

    I decided to share my response publicly in this newsletter so that others could either benefit from or reject my ideas and suggestions.

    Instead of spending your time looking at other people's fairy tales, I suggest you look at original records and newspapers (or digital images of original records and newspapers). That's the manner that experienced genealogists have used for decades, and it has always worked well.

    Luckily, millions of such records are available online today, unlike the days when I started doing genealogy in the 1980s. In "the old days," I often had to go to the locations where the records were kept. I spent a lot of money on travel and on photocopying machines. However, the expense was worth it. I got accurate results most of the time.

    Back in the 1980s, we also had thousands of self-published books written by other genealogists with claims of their family trees. Those books were just as inaccurate as today's online family trees. Those books often were a mix of facts and conjecture, often accompanied by so-called “family coats of arms” and similar fictitious material.

    Sadly, in the 1980s and earlier, thousands of new genealogists did not understand the difference between unsourced information versus documented records. A lot of junk claims were copied, republished, and distributed all over the place.

    I will suggest that online databases of genealogy information intermixed with fairy tales hasn't really changed genealogy very much. The only difference today is that computers and online capabilities allow genealogists to publish accurate and inaccurate information alike faster, easier, and at less expense than ever before.

    My belief is that the PERCENTAGE of inaccurate genealogy information hasn't changed much in many decades. What has changed is the QUANTITY of both accurate and inaccurate information available today.

    The reality is that the basics of good genealogy research haven't changed in the past century, even though we certainly have more convenient access today than ever. In short, any genealogy claims you find that are not accompanied by verifiable source citations to original records should be treated as a potential fairy tale.

    Please don't get me wrong: I still love the online family trees submitted by other genealogists, and I look at them often. I have thousands of such claims saved in various note files in my computer. I always want to know what someone else thinks is a fact. I want to save those possible fairy tales until I can verify the information myself through independent, well-trusted sources. In most cases, that means looking at an original record, either in person or as an online image.

    I still want to know what another person believes is true, even though I have some doubts. Knowing someone else's guesses is still better than knowing nothing at all about an ancestor. There are times when someone else’s guess gives me a clue as to what to look for to see if I can confirm or refute it.

    I never, ever enter possible fairy tale information into my primary genealogy database until I have independently verified its accuracy in the original records.

    My belief is that your genealogy collection of facts can be better and more accurate today than ever before if you really care about accuracy.

    Anyone who doesn't care about accuracy probably isn't reading this article anyway.

    What's in your (possibly bogus) family tree?

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