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2020 Users Choice Awards from GenSoftReviews

4 Jan 2021 12:50 PM | Anonymous

Since 2008, GenSoftReviews has had users write 5,874 reviews for the 1,041 different genealogy-based programs listed at the site. Every year, the reviews are summarized and published online. While somewhat unscientific, the result is a list of the genealogy programs that others are using and an analysis of which ones were the higher-rated programs.

NOTE: The word "programs" includes the cloud-based programs including: The Next Generation of Genealogy SitebuildingĀ© ("TNG"), Genealogie Online, GedSite, and others.

As written in the summation, "The goal of GenSoftReviews is to encourage developers to build genealogy software that their users like. Congratulations to the award winners. You have a majority of users who are willing to praise you for your software."

You can find the 2020 GenSoftReviews Users Choice Awards at and many details of the programs listed at


  • 5 Jan 2021 7:50 AM | Anonymous
    I am amazed that RootsMagic is not in this list. Stunned.
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    • 5 Jan 2021 1:18 PM | Anonymous
      RootsMagic won the award from 2009 to 2018, but had 3 reviews in 2019 that only averaged 2 out of 5 which dropped it out of contention. 4 more reviews in 2020 averaging 3.75 obviously were not enough to give it the 4.00 out of 5 score needed.
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