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Don't Print These Articles!

30 Oct 2023 2:22 PM | Anonymous

Warning: This article contains personal opinions.

A newsletter reader asked, "Is there a way to print out (I know; I am bad) an item without all of the right column (Subscribe, Read, Steal, Search, Links, Etc.) being printed? A recent blog was 23 pages of the blog but would have printed out 45 pages in all. If not, OK. I can watch and halt the printing, when I remember."

My answer may have surprised the person who asked. I replied, "I strongly recommend that you NEVER print anything and thereby waste paper! I never print anything from web sites and rarely print anything from anyplace else. I work hard to keep a paperless lifestyle."

Actually, you are free to print most anything in this newsletter and even forward most items or republish them elsewhere, as you please. However, I try hard to never print anything and I suggest you do the same. Why waste paper? There are better ways to keep things for a long time!

As I wrote in an article more than two years ago:

"I have written a number of times about the advantages of a paperless lifestyle. Genealogists seem especially attached to paper. We often save photocopies of old records, old books, and much, much more. I once bought a four-drawer filing cabinet to store all my paper. A few years later, I purchased a SECOND four-drawer filing cabinet. I purchased probably more than one hundred dollars’ worth of file folders over the years. I photocopied and photocopied and stored all the paper in neatly-arranged folders.

"Sadly, I almost never opened the drawers to retrieve anything. When I did attempt to find something, I often couldn’t locate what I wanted because the document was filed in some obscure method. For instance, the marriage record I might be seeking often was filed under the husband’s surname, not under the wife’s maiden name.

"Like a recovering alcoholic, I have since broken my addiction to paper. I now live about 98% paper-free, and I love it. Almost every piece of paper that enters my house is either (1.) discarded immediately or (2.) scanned into my computer, and then the paper is discarded. I don’t ever want to go back to cluttering my life with paper. And, yes, I have multiple backups of everything worth saving; some backup copies are stored at home, and other copies are stored off-site for safety."

Life without paper is great! I can now find things easier than ever before. It saves space. I can electronically search for and find information much more easily, faster, (and cheaper) than I can on paper copies. It saves clutter. And I save money by not purchasing all that paper nor the filing cabinet(s) to store the paper.

My suggestion: whatever it is, don’t print it out!


  • 31 Oct 2023 5:38 AM | Anonymous
    Please don't discard paper! While I try to not receive paper, I do receive some. I put stacks of used envelopes (with the blank side up) in all rooms to use as scratch paper. If a4 paper is blank on the back, it goes into my printer. If half sheets are blank, they are trimmed and used as scratch or note paper. Everything else is recycled. (Shredding can probably be put with yard waste and composted, if it doesn't include plastic.)
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    • 31 Oct 2023 9:15 AM | Anonymous
      I have learned from you. I save almost everything to the cloud,from any online spot. Can save to many "places" by how I label...mult names. The more I do it, the better I have become.
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  • 31 Oct 2023 9:57 AM | Anonymous
    I like being paperless. Sometimes it is hard to do that. If I want to keep things like bank statment, bills I like to get them over the internet. Lately I have run into problems where the vendors have changed their website and it is impossible to download the item. Others make you go and search on their website to get the item to download taking way too much time to finally get the item. I had been getting a bill from my internet carrier and downloading it for years and then they changed their website and I gave up downloading it because of the difficulty (I never found how to do it). I changed my option and now I get the bill by snail mail. Yes I now have to scan the item to save it on my computer. My revenge is now they pay postage and the cost of the paper that I recycle.
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  • 31 Oct 2023 11:12 AM | Anonymous
    There is an easy way to view most webpages from browsers without seeing the ads on the left and right. (Note that some sites disable this feature.) In Edge, it is called Immersive Reader with an icon on the right side of the address bar. This makes reading any article much easier and also allow you to change the font and even read the article. You cn even print the article without all the "extras". Chrome and Firefox have a similar feature. Google Immersive Reader to find out more.
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  • 31 Oct 2023 1:11 PM | Anonymous
    Using a Mac laptop and Firefox browser: 'Reader View" icon (if the page can be accessed that way & most can) appears to the right of the URL address (looks like a piece of paper) - it strips away all the ads etc. Then I use Firefox's screenshot tool to capture all or as much of the page as I want- saving it to my desktop long enough to give it a name before filing. Or, you could also use "print" under the FireFox file menu and save the page as a pdf.
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  • 31 Oct 2023 2:06 PM | Anonymous member
    Some websites manage to thwart immersive reader's attempt to eliminate clutter. When that happens I use the clipping tool to snip what I want, then paste the snips(s) into a Word document and save it in pdf format on my computer. No clutter, no ads, no mess - and no paper.
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