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Connect with Your Ancestors This Halloween with Free Death Records from MyHeritage

24 Oct 2022 10:26 AM | Anonymous

The following announcement was written by the folks at MyHeritage:

MyHeritage invites you to connect with your departed ancestors in honor of Halloween and All Saints’ Day: we’re providing free access to all our death records for one week only, October 26–November 3, 2022!

Search free death records on MyHeritage

The records in this category include death, burial, and cemetery records as well as obituaries. These records are crucial sources of information for family researchers. Death certificates are typically issued within days of a death and can contain many details about a person’s life, such as their age at death, place of birth, parents’ names and origins, and the cause of death. The name of the person who provided these details may also be mentioned, and this can also be an important clue that can help you locate new relatives.

Burial and cemetery records can supplement death certificates and offer additional information, while obituaries may provide rich details about the person’s life: their interests, profession, passions, and connections in the community.

Since the beginning of last October, we’ve added an astonishing 224 million records to an already huge collection of death records, burial records, cemetery records, and obituaries — bringing the total to 810,792,208 records. During that time, more than 80 collections were added or updated, including vast collections from the United States, France, Australia, New Zealand, and many other places. So even if you’ve searched MyHeritage’s death record collection in the past, there’s a good chance you will find something new concerning your family history.

Don’t miss this opportunity! Search free death records on MyHeritage now.


  • 25 Oct 2022 11:36 AM | Anonymous member
    I realize this promotion is intended to bring visitors to the site who will, they hope, become subscribers. I went to the site today and saw the death record collections are already marked as Free. But here's where My Heritage lost me as a potential subscriber: I specified "exact match" in my search and was delivered an avalanche of records did not match my search terms. Then I discovered that before I can view a "free" record I am required to hand over my name and email address. I realize they need subscribers to support their business, but I don't need an inbox flooded with messages from a website at which my search experience was so horrible I can't imagine paying for it.
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