Thousands of photographs of Communist Romania and of Romania as a Constitutional Monarchy between 1921-1947, managed by The National Archives are going to be scanned and digitized. The Institute for the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism and the Memory of the Romanian Exile will collaborate with the National Archives of Romania on this project.
The Institute for the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism and the Memory of the Romanian Exile (IICCMER) is a governmental structure whose role lies in the scientific analysis of the totalitarian period and its consequences. One of its main areas of activity is collecting, archiving, and publishing documents related to the memory of the Romanian Communist regime.
The project they have planned is the digitization of the National Archives’ photograph collection. Over the next six years, around 100,000 photographic materials from 1921-1989 will be digitized and uploaded to IICCMER’s online photo library in two sections: 1921-1944 and 1945-1989. Here they will be freely available to the public.
You can read more in an article by Maia Van Kline and published in the Romania Insider web site at: