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330,000 Online Memorials Unlock Individual Stories of Our First World War ANZACs

25 Apr 2022 8:41 AM | Anonymous

The individual wartime journeys of over 330,000 Australian men and women who volunteered to serve overseas in the First World War are revealed for the first time in an ambitious family history project.

Australian War Stories by Memories enables descendants to search for a loved one at and receive a free online memorial of their wartime journey: from enlistment, to training, embarkation and beyond.

The memorials are delivered via a link sent free-of-charge by email and mobile text. They can be shared among extended family and posted to social media.

An estimated 5 million Australians have a relative who served overseas during the First World War. Many more will wish to honour a local ANZAC hero by registering their details to receive and share an online memorial.

Australian War Stories is a collaboration between leading family memorial platform and media services company Mediality.

You can read more in an article at:


  • 26 Apr 2022 9:10 AM | Anonymous
    I have just looked up my Uncle that was KIA 1917 (24-years before I was born).
    The record shows the individual's name, where from and father, a photo of his enlistment record and thereafter just items all members of his unit (Light Horse in his case) would have experienced, such as landing in Egypt.
    It doesn't mention then landing at Gallipoli (though not actually involved in fighting), shipped to England to recover from illness, return to Egypt for a short period, then transferring to artillery on the Western Front for a much longer period than at Gallipoli where he saw lots of action near Ypres, and it doesn't record his eventual death.

    To me it is basically a starter for someone who wants to dig further. The AWM holds ~100 of his letters home, and of course lots of military records, but some years back I was told a detailed history of his unit on the Western Front had not been written.
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