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One More Census Takeaway: The End of an Era of Counting the Nation

16 Mar 2022 12:04 PM | Anonymous

Beyond the reports of undercounts and overcounts in population totals, there is another takeaway from the post-mortem of 2020 census data issued on Thursday: This could be the last census of its kind.

The next census will be taken in a nation where Amazon may have a better handle on where many people live than the Census Bureau itself.

For some advocates of a more accurate count, the era in which census-takers knock on millions of doors to persuade people to fill out forms should give way in 2030 to a sleeker approach: data mining, surveys, sophisticated statistical projections and, if politics allows, even help from the nation’s tech giants and their endless petabytes of personal information. The Census Bureau itself has yet to leap very far into that new era. But it has hinted recently at a “blended” approach in which official census figures could be supplemented with reliable data from government records and other sources.

You can learn more in a YouTube video at


  • 17 Mar 2022 11:39 AM | Anonymous
    Trust the government and its allies in Big Tech
    to "help" determine anything that can benefit a political party. No thanks. We've already seen the influence of Big Tech on the 2020 election, e.g., Zuckerberg's "help" with the polls in key cities.
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