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FamilySearch Completes Massive Microfilm Digitization Project

21 Sep 2021 11:45 AM | Anonymous

The following was written by FamilySearch

Huge news: after 83 years of filming the world’s historical genealogical records, FamilySearch has completed digitizing its 2.4 million rolls of microfilm. The best part? The archive, which contains information on more than 11.5 billion individuals, is now available for free on

Over 200 countries and principalities and more than 100 languages are included in the digitized documents. All types of genealogically significant records are included—censuses, births, marriages, deaths, probate, Church, immigration, and more. Now that the project is completed, it’s much easier for users to find members of their family tree and make personal discoveries within these records.

Want to check out these digitized microfilms for yourself? Explore FamilySearch’s free collections of indexed records and images by going to, then search both “Records” and “Images.” The Images feature will let you browse digitized images from the microfilm collection and more. You will need a FamilySearch account to access digitized records—but don’t worry, signing up is completely free!

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  • 22 Sep 2021 10:45 AM | Anonymous
    If all films have been digitized, does anyone know why aren't they all listed on the Family Search site? I have been waiting for a certain set of Irish land records to be digitized but still can't find those records listed under Irish records on the Family Search website. They were under land valuation in the old catalog and included with Griffith's Valuation. The Cancelled Land records are records from after Griffith's, from about 1860 on. I don't think there was any clear delineation between Griffith's and the continuation of the land records, but the filmed records were there. The land records digitized now are only from 1831-1856.Thanks for any insight.
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  • 22 Sep 2021 5:37 PM | Anonymous
    This article is misleading, because while they say the FILMS have been completed, down in the fine print they say the FICHE have not! "FamilySearch is also working to outsource the digitization of its large microfiche collection, which should be completed several years from now."
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  • 27 Sep 2021 5:40 PM | Anonymous
    I agree, the title is sort of misleading. Not all of the records/films that they have in their catalog are available for "free" because some of these collections have had contract changes and are no longer available through FamilySearch. One example I came across just last week: FHL DGS 10203386s, German church records for Baumholder, Germany. They used to be accessible through through the Family History Center. Last week I went to my local FHC, accessed this collection again, and found this message: "You may be able to view this image by visiting one of our partners' sites or the legal record custodian (fees may apply)". Not only are the images gone, but the index database no longer shows records as well. Thankfully I had downloaded the images I needed before they locked the collection. I was told it's all up to how the contract was stated and when it expires. So make sure you download those images that you find. (That goes for ANY website -- you never know when the record/source you just downloaded will suddenly go *poof* and disappear!)
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