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Randy Majors Announces a Video Walkthrough: Historical U.S. Counties Map Tool and Auto-Checker Extension

1 Feb 2021 11:20 AM | Anonymous

Prolific programmer Randy Majors has produced still another product that will be of interest to genealogists. This time he has created a couple of video walkthroughs of a couple of the the software tools he has created. Here is Randy's announcement:

By popular request, I finally have gotten around to recording a couple of video walkthroughs of a couple of the tools. Certainly not polished and produced, but should give you a good understanding of these two tools:

Walkthrough of the Historical U.S. Counties map tool:

Walkthrough of the Historical U.S. Counties chrome extension:

I recommend you view them in the above order, as understanding the Historical U.S. Counties map tool will help you have better success with using the Auto-Checker chrome extension.

Be easy on me please, as its my first foray into doing a screencapture walkthrough for youtube :)

I hope these are helpful!


  • 1 Feb 2021 4:14 PM | Anonymous
    What are the URLs for each of the videos?
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  • 2 Feb 2021 12:29 PM | Anonymous
    I would also like the urls to the videos so I can save to look at later as I am on a hiatus from genealogy work...or would this article be available months down the road?
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