A woman says a Detroit family doctor fathered hundreds of babies,
which included her. The woman says she took a DNA test and traced it back to her family's doctor.
Jaime Hall says Dr. Peven, who’s now 104, admitted to fathering her and potentially hundreds of others and says it was a group of doctors who were doing this for decades.
“I go, 'I think my Mom's doctor is my Dad,'” Hall said.
The woman says she couldn’t believe it when she took a DNA test.
This isn't the first story of a doctor fathering possibly dozens or even hundreds of children. Stories like this undoubtedly will become more and more common as more and more people take genealogy DNA tests.
You can read more about this case and watch a video in an article by Alan Campbell in the WXYZ web site at: https://www.wxyz.com/news/michigan-doctor-admits-to-using-own-sperm-to-father-hundreds-of-babies.