Recordings of the last native Manx speakers and wartime internees from the Isle of Man's "rich sound archive" are to be digitised and put online as part of a British Library project.
About 600 recordings held in the Manx National Heritage (MNH) archives will be converted as part of the £9.3m Unlocking Our Sound Heritage scheme. The pieces, which were degrading due to age, were at risk of being lost.
Manx National Heritage's Jude Dicken said digitising them would "protect" the originals.
She said the island's "rich sound archive" had been "tricky" for people to access previously, but putting them online would mean people could listen to them without damaging the original formats.
You can read more in an article by Ellan Vannin in the BBC News website at: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-isle-of-man-55077067.