Vivid-Pix “Gathering Traditions” Shows How to Connect While Distant
Create Holiday & Reunion Time Capsules for Genealogy & Reminiscence
Vivid-Pix BOGO Buy One/Gift One for Free Holiday Promo
Lets You Give the Gift of Restored Memories

Savannah, GA, November 10, 2020 – Vivid-Pix, the leading provider of AI-powered image restoration software, understands that Thanksgiving and the holidays are not going to be the same this year, with families and friends unable to get together or share holiday traditions physically due to CDC social distancing guidelines and travel quarantine restrictions. Vivid-Pix has an answer to help stay connected: hold these events virtually and create time capsules with Vivid-Pix’s “Gathering Traditions,” easy-to-implement tutorials at: to relive past holiday gatherings and for future reminiscing.
Vivid-Pix Educational Tutorials on Creating Time Capsules
Vivid-Pix Gathering Traditions online education teaches how to create holiday and reunion time capsules for genealogy and reminiscence at: Classes include step by step directions on:
Vivid-Pix, Reunions Magazine, Dear Myrtle, and Kenyatta D. Berry, PBS Create Virtual Reunions and Time Capsule Education
Vivid-Pix is partnering with Kenyatta D. Berry, Reunions Magazine, DearMYRTLE, and Cousin Russ to provide free, valuable how-to information. “These tools will help families during the holidays and create time capsules for past and future connectedness,” said Rick Voight, CEO, Vivid-Pix. “By working with reunion and genealogy experts, this education series can be used for virtual reunions and gatherings, as well as creating genealogy interviews and capturing traditions to hand down to future generations.”
Perfect Time to Use Technology to Discover New Family Stories
As host of the Genealogy Roadshow on PBS, Kenyatta D. Berry has brought genealogy into the homes of millions. “Family stories and oral history is often critical and one of the most enjoyable parts of the genealogy journey. It’s important to interview older family members, close relatives, and family friends. While we are at home, this is a great time to use technology for these interviews, to discover new family stories and share photographs. I hope this education series inspires everyone to create their own time capsule,” described Kenyatta D. Berry.
DearMYRTLE and Cousin Russ have helped genealogy societies, institutes, and individuals with their research journey through Zoom education. “During this time of social distancing, fun family stories and traditions can be shared and recorded via Zoom. Why not create virtual time capsules and save the recordings for future generations?” said Pat Richley-Erickson, DearMYRTLE. “Photographs, traditions, and reminiscing can be shared, so that these stories that might otherwise be lost can brighten our lives today and enrich the lives of future generations tomorrow.”
Discovering Your Roots Can Brighten the Holidays and Enrich Future Generations’ Lives
Edith Wagner, Reunions Magazine’s editor, has been on the frontline of countless events cancelled and postponed. She said, “Reunions and gatherings of all kinds have been upended this year and we don’t know how long it will last. Deprived of physical contact, reunions cleverly found a way to ‘gather’ on Zoom and now you, too, can learn these techniques to assemble your family or group in substitute reunions. Shaking hands, hugs, and kisses will have to wait, but smiles, laughter, and excitement don’t have to!”
Vivid-Pix BOGO Buy One/Gift One for Free – Great Gift for the Holidays

In addition, in order to provide a fun holiday activity, relive past holiday memories, and provide a great gift for yourself and loved ones, Vivid-Pix is offering a Buy One/Gift One Promo for Vivid-Pix RESTORE photo and document restoration software. With a purchase of RESTORE Windows/Mac software for $49.99, Vivid-Pix will send a free gift coupon of the software so you can send to a friend or family member and together you can share the gift of memories for the holidays. For more information:
New Version of RESTORE Launched - AI Powered Vivid-Pix RESTORE Restoration Software Fixes Images with Just One Click
Vivid-Pix RESTORE patented AI software automatically restores faded old black and white, sepia, and color photos and documents; and provides image organization, editing, and saving. Now available, Vivid-Pix just launched a new version of RESTORE in September 2020 that improves a wider variety of image formats; metadata tagging for research, transcription, and sharing of family stories; and Crop/Recalculate to hone in on specific areas that need fixing – details essential for genealogists and family historians.
The U.S. Patent Office has awarded two patents to Vivid-Pix for its image processing techniques used to automatically correct images. The new version of Vivid-Pix RESTORE is available now for Mac and Windows for $49.99 at: with a 10 Free-Fix Trial without a credit card required at: See Vivid-Pix RESTORE in action at: For more information, see the website at:
About Vivid-Pix
Vivid-Pix was founded by Rick Voight and Randy Fredlund, who have a combined 47 years of experience from Eastman Kodak Co. They brought Kodak’s “You Press the Button, We Do the Rest” philosophy to the design of Vivid-Pix RESTORE AI software. For more info, see: