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Findmypast Launches a New Campaign to Discover the Stories Behind the Names for Remembrance Day

5 Nov 2020 9:19 AM | Anonymous

The following announcement was written by Findmypast:

·         Findmypast are encouraging their community to uncover the stories behind the names on war memorials to mark Remembrance Day 2020 

·         The Findmypast Community are encouraged to share their finds on social media using #RememberTheirStories 

·         Over 103 million military records will be free for everyone to view from November 5 until November 12   

5 November 2020 

To mark Remembrance Day 2020 Findmypast have launched a new campaign to encourage their community to discover the stories behind the names etched on war memorials.  

In order to keep the legacies of these fallen heroes alive, Findmypast are asking their community to find out more about these men and the lives they led. Family historians are encouraged to use Findmypast’s comprehensive military records to do their research and unlock the stories behind the names before sharing their amazing discoveries on social media with #RememberTheirStories. 

To support this campaign and to mark Remembrance Day, Findmypast are putting all their military records free between the 5th and 12th November. Family historians will then be able to search more than 103 million world military records for free until 10:00 GMT 12th November.  

The free access will also give budding family historians the opportunity to uncover more about the military heroes in their own family as well. 

To find out more about the #RememberTheirStories campaign, watch this video 

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