The following announcement was written by the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies:

The 41st Annual IAJGS (International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies) International Conference on Jewish Genealogy will take place in historic Philadelphia, PA, Aug. 2- 5, 2021.
IAJGS has also announced that the Call for Proposals is now open until Nov. 19.
Close to 1000 participants are expected from across the US and around the world.
The conference will feature more than 100 speakers, with more than 250 sessions covering virtually every aspect of Jewish genealogy.
“We are encouraging genealogists, both new and veteran speakers, to submit proposals for topics they are interested in presenting,” said Judi Missel, lead co-chair. Proposed abstracts which meet one of the following theme categories are encouraged, along with other broad topics in Jewish genealogy as well. The Conference tracks are: Early Jewish Settlers of the Americas, Innovative Methodology, Keepers of the Shoah Memory, Beginners, DNA Insights for Genealogy, and Heritage and Cultural Material.
Presentations will be 45 minutes, with 15 minutes for Q & A. In addition, non-traditional presentations can be submitted for Computer Labs, Panels and Poster Sessions.
Deadline for submitting proposals is Thursday, Nov. 19. Details on the Call for Proposals can be found on The Conference Facebook Discussion Group is at
Programs at the Conference will be geared from first-timers to conference veterans, and will include lectures, lunches, computer labs, and networking through Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Birds of a Feather (BOFs). An Exhibitor Hall and Resource Room will include genealogy experts, mentors and archivists for a one-stop research experience at the conference site.
Planning for the Conference is now in progress and details of the conference, including registration, will be posted on the conference website: as they become available. Hotel reservation information will not be available until January.
The Conference is hosted by IAJGS, an umbrella organization of more than 93 Jewish genealogical organizations worldwide. The Jewish Genealogical and Archival Society of Greater Philadelphia (JGASGP) is the local co-host. Fred Blum, a past president of the Philadelphia Society is Conference co-chair. “We are excited to host this year’s Conference in Philadelphia, a city with a vibrant Jewish community and an abundance of historical attractions and genealogical resources,” he said.
The IAJGS coordinates and organizes activities such as its annual International Conference on Jewish Genealogy and provides a unified voice as the spokesperson on behalf of its members.
The IAJGS’s vision is of a worldwide network of Jewish genealogical research organizations and partners working together as one coherent, effective and respected community, enabling people to succeed in researching Jewish ancestry and heritage. Find the IAJGS at: and like us on Facebook at