The following announcement was written by the (U.S.) National Genealogical Society:

FALLS CHURCH, va, 25 SEPTEMBER 2020—The National Genealogical Society (NGS) announced the results of its 2020 Board of Directors election at its annual meeting on 1 September 2020. The incoming slate includes three new positions to reflect the upcoming merger of NGS and the Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) on 1 October 2020. These new board positions are Vice President for Society & Organization Management and two directors at large drawn from FGS ranks.
Outgoing President Benjamin B. Spratling, JD, of Birmingham, Alabama, announced the results of the election and the incoming board members who will be seated on 1 October.
NGS Officers (1 October 2020 – 30 September 2022)
- President: Kathryn M. Doyle, California
- Vice President: Ellen Pinckney Balthazar, Texas
- Vice President of Society & Organization Management: Cheri Hudson Passey, South Carolina
- Secretary: Ed Donakey, Utah
- Treasurer: Deborah Lebo Hoskins, Pennsylvania
NGS Directors serve four-year terms that are staggered so that the entire slate does not turn over in one election cycle.
NGS Regional Directors
- Director of Region 2: Faye Stallings, Texas
- Director of Region 3: Janet L. Bailey, Virginia
- Director of Region 4: Bernice Alexander Bennett, Maryland
Directors at Large
- Janet A. Alpert, South Carolina
- Colleen Robledo Greene, California
- Marlis Humphrey, Florida
- Andre Kearns, Washington, DC
- David Rencher, Utah
Continuing their terms on the Board of Directors are Angie Bush, MS, Director of Region 1, and Ronald V. Hodges, PhD, Director at Large.
“I congratulate the incoming Board members,” Spratling said, “And I extend my sincere gratitude for their commitment and service to the National Genealogical Society. I also thank the Nominating Committee, including Jordan Jones, chair; Deborah A. Abbott, PhD; B. Darrell Jackson, PhD, CG; Darcie Hind Posz; CG, and D. Joshua Taylor, MA, MLS, for their excellent work.”
The entire 2020 NGS Annual Meeting can be viewed on YouTube. It includes a short video about the upcoming merger of NGS and FGS, which will be finalized on 1 October 2020, and features outgoing President Benjamin B, Spratling, FGS President Faye Stallings who has been newly elected to NGS Board, incoming President Kathryn M. Doyle, and Executive Director Matt Menashes.
Founded in 1903, the National Genealogical Society is dedicated to genealogical education, exemplary standards of research, and the preservation of genealogical records. The Falls Church, Virginia, based nonprofit is the premier national society for everyone, from the beginner to the most advanced family historian, seeking excellence in publications, educational offerings, and guidance in research. It also offers many opportunities to interact with other genealogists.