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Conference Provides History, Tips for Genealogical Success

20 Nov 2024 5:00 PM | Anonymous

Learning of early Rowan County immigrants and tips for success in researching one’s ancestors were part of the second annual genealogy conference.  The conference, entitled, “Overcoming Obstacles: Insights to Genealogical Success,” was held in the auditorium at the Rowan Public Library West Branch in Cleveland, Ohio with more than 20 people in attendance.

Dr. Gary Freeze and Rhonda Roederer served as the presenters for the Nov. 16 event.  RPL History Room Supervisor Gretchen Witt said that in addition to the library, the genealogical society was co-hosting this second annual conference and it is anticipated they will have another next year.  She and Paul Birkhead, reference librarian, were there providing assistance and answering questions to those in attendance.  

As noted on the program, Freeze is a retired history professor from Catawba College. A widely recognized historian of the North Carolina Piedmont and early North Carolina history, he is the author of a North Carolina history textbook, Freeze is currently part of a project to write a new history of Rowan County.

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