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Read +120 Years of Horse & Hound in New Online Magazine Archive

20 May 2024 7:50 PM | Anonymous

Horse & Hound has partnered with digital archive specialists Archive Digital to make decades of the magazine’s back catalogue available to subscribe to online.

Issues from the magazine’s launch in 1884, until September 2012, are available to read at The Magazine Archive with a subscription to this archive. Current Horse & Hound magazine subscribers can subscribe at a reduced rate – as well as accessing all digital editions of the magazine from September 2012 onwards in the H&H app as part of their subscription.

Archive Digital has previously produced digital archives of some of Horse & Hound’s sister titles including Rugby World and Golf Monthly, but none with such a vast number of volumes as Horse & Hound’s 140-year-old title.

H&H editor-in-chief Sarah Jenkins said: “As journalists at H&H we have long enjoyed visiting the physical magazine archive in its various office positions over the years – looking through bound issues you find such gems as early interviews with some of our most revered riders. You see how times have changed, and how much has stayed the same – we’re still having debates about overweight horses, for example.

“Being able to access the archive digitally now is a huge treat, and much easier than wading through mountains of physical copies for the article you want. The search function on the digital archive allows you to find every reference to ‘Lucinda Green’, or ‘Michael Whitaker’, or your own horse’s elementary open results from 2020. You can peruse hunt reports from great moments in the sports history, the first Badminton report – which is not a patch on what is produced today, unsurprisingly – Grand Nationals, and more. You can see the evolution of the publication, and its survival through wartime, the hunting ban and more. I hope all with equestrian and media interests will find the new archive a fascinating resource.”

You can read more in an article by Sarah Jenkins published in the web site at:

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