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Kansas Library Launches Digital Archives

13 May 2024 9:09 AM | Anonymous

From the collection of over 5,000 historic photographs kept in the Campbell Room of local history, Salina Public Library has opened an online Digital Archive that provides the public with virtual access to images from the late 1800s to the early 1900s. Visit to view these photos in an online digital archive. More people can be better bonded to the history and culture of Salina/Saline County if these photos are preserved and made more easily accessible.

This project came to pass when Salina Public Library received a $3,800 Kansas Digital Access to Historic Records (KDAHR) grant from the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board (KSHRAB) to acquire a photo scanner. About 500 photos in the library's collection taken before 1900 were digitized using the scanner.

"It gives us great pleasure to introduce this initiative that will increase awareness of Salina's past." information services head Stefanie Knopp said.

Working with groups all around Kansas, the KSHRAB preserves and makes historical records more accessible to audiences now and in the future. The Board launched the KDAHR award program to enable groups to improve community involvement with local history and online accessibility to historical documents.

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