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Webinar: "Fancy Fraktur: Brocade Paper in Pennsylvania German Folk Art?

16 Apr 2024 4:46 PM | Anonymous

The following is an announcement from the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania:

Fraktur, or the iconic German American “fractured” manuscript and print folk art style, has historically been lauded as an emblematic regional style in North America. This talk highlights instead the global implications of the oeuvre of a specific scrivener, Friedrich Krebs. Krebs, a former Hessian soldier and the most prolific of all known fraktur artists, embellished many of his illuminated certificates with embossed and gilt papers cut from elaborate brocade sheets imported from Germany. The effect was an intricate, decoupage-like fraktur that linked the German American home with both international trade and global styles, challenging traditional interpretations of fraktur as a typically “regional” American tradition.


Trevor Brandt

Cost: FREE

When: Thursday, Apr. 18, 2024 at 7 p.m. ET

Where: Zoom

About the speakerTrevor Brandt is a PhD Candidate in art history at the University of Chicago. His research focuses on devotional material culture, connecting German American fraktur with the folk arts of German-speakers in Central and Eastern Europe. He previously served as the curator of the American Swedish Historical Museum in Philadelphia and is currently the managing editor of Americana Insights, a nonprofit publication dedicated to early American folk art. Trevor holds an MA from the Winterthur Program in American Material Culture and a BA from the Pennsylvania State University.

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Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania


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