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AI in Genealogy

2 Apr 2024 8:39 AM | Anonymous

Nancy Battick has written an interesting article in her Family Discoverer column in the Piscataquis Observer newspaper's web site:

"Let’s continue talking about the uses of AI — artificial intelligence — in genealogy. 

"AI is being used to create pedigree charts, write family histories, and translate documents. When you “chat” with an assistant on a genealogical website you are probably chatting with AI. Reaching a human to ask a question is going to be more difficult in the future. 

"AI chat programs are out there and can help genealogists find material, edit photos and add material to files. There are several such programs, and if you want to explore them, you can. I saw demonstrations and wasn’t impressed, but I can see where a tech maven would be thrilled."

She goes on to offer lots of “hints and kinks” for using AI in genealogy searches. You can read the full article at:

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