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Microsoft Launches New Windows App to Keep Up With the “Chromebook Threat”

30 Nov 2023 7:22 AM | Anonymous

Here is another article that is not about any of the "normal" topics of this newsletter: genealogy, history, current affairs, DNA, and related topics. However, I suspect it will interest anyone who has a need or at least an interest in low-cost, but powerful, Windows computers.

An article by Joe Humphrey published in the web site caught my eye. It describes a new offering that will soon be available from Microsoft. In short, it describes a (future) service from Microsoft that will allow your low-cost Chromebook (and other) computers to access full-powered Windows computers in the cloud. 

The article states:

Microsoft has announced the launch of what they are calling “Windows app,” a new service designed to stream the full Windows desktop operating system from the cloud to various devices, including Chromebooks. This new offering from Microsoft signifies a major shift in how the company thinks users will be using Windows in the future and is clearly a response to the “Chromebook threat.”

Let’s first dive into what this new service entails exactly. The Windows App is essentially a new remote desktop hub that enables users to stream Windows Cloud PC and remote desktop services on a range of devices. This includes not only other Windows machines but also iPhones, iPads, Macs, and any device equipped with a desktop browser, i.e. Chromebooks. Android devices are currently not supported. You can view a preview version of the app here.

Microsoft describes the Windows App as a “gateway” to several key services: Azure Virtual Desktop, Windows 365, Microsoft Dev Box, and Remote Desktop Services.

If you are interested, you can read the full article at:

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