This article will probably interest a small percentage of the readers of this newsletter. However, if that includes you, you will be very interested in it.
I spent 8 years living near the "Old Man of the Mountain" and was in my automobile most every day repairing mainframe computers installed in customer sites all over Vermont and New Hampshire. I drove past the "Old Man" several times most weeks and I always looked up to see the "Old Man" in all his glory. I also climbed the mountain (on foot) several times. Then, one day, he was no longer there!
The iconic Old Man of the Mountain fell to the ground on May 3, 2003. (I happened to drive by his location the next day.)
“The Old Man” as he stood for hundreds (thousands?) of years
You can read more about this in an article by Amy Olson published in the Dartmouth College web site at:
Make sure you watch the video at: and another video at