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Augusta Genealogical Society Virtual Genealogical Program: "Call to Arms - Civil War Research"

27 Mar 2023 9:13 AM | Anonymous

The following announcement was written by the Augusta (Georgia) Genealogical Society:

When:  Saturday, April 22, 2023

Time:  11:00 am - 12:00 pm  EST 

Where: Online

Price:  FREE  to AGS members or $10 for nonmembers

Click here to register:

The registration deadline is April 20, 2023

Limited seating to view the virtual presentation will be offered at Adamson Library. To reserve a seat, please call (706) 722-4073.

Speaker:  Diane L. Richard, MEng & MBA

Inline image

We often focus on the military service and pension records created due to the Civil War. We’ll take a quick peak at these and then dive into the records most don’t explore. If you don’t look further, you are missing out on some gems like old soldier home, voter registration, Freedmen’s Bureau, Freedman’s Bank, artificial limb records, detailed maps, compensation claims, legislative petitions, relief for indigent spouses, newspapers, and more! As an event that affected every citizen, there are many records we can mine as we pursue our ancestors.

Diane L Richard, MEng & MBA, Mosaic Research and Project Management (MosaicRPM),, has been doing genealogy research since 1987 and, since 2004, professionally focused on the records of North Carolina and southern states. She regularly contributes to InternetGenealogy. She has authored over 500 articles on genealogy topics. In 2019 she published, Tracing Your Ancestors -- African American Research: A Practical Guide via Moorshead Publications. Since 2016 she has been the editor of the North Carolina Genealogical Society (NCGS) journal.

As a speaker, she has delivered webinars and in-person talks about the availability and richness of records documenting southerners, pursuing formerly enslaved ancestors and their descendants, genealogical research tips, techniques, tools and strategies, under-utilized resource collections (online and on-the-ground), and much more. She has appeared on "Who Do You Think You Are?" (Bryan Cranston episode).

She is a board member of NC Historical Records Online (NCHRO),, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing public access to high-quality images of original records and other relatedinformation useful to researching North Carolina history and genealogy.

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