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Difficulty Accessing New Zealand Archive Documents Angers Historians

21 Nov 2022 9:48 AM | Anonymous

From an article by Phil Pennington published in the Morning Report on Radio New Zealand:

Mounting difficulties getting hold of critical historical documents at the national Archive are sparking government infighting and threats of legal action.

A high court Justice has noted cases are being severely impeded.

To make matters  worse, the $9 million IT system used to search the country's history files has had to be shut down over a security breach of restricted documents. 

The Internal Affairs Minister says she's heard from the public about their frustrations since February. 

Jan Tinetti says in a statement she is monitoring it closely but this is an operational matter for Archives to sort out with the system supplier - and they are working extremely hard. 

The Chief Archivist Anahera Morehu acknowledged the outages, and says her staff discovered the "potential" security breach a week ago and immediately closed the search system. 

Morehu says they are aware of the frustration among historians and others.

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