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Ireland's 1926 Census Is Being Digitized

18 Nov 2022 3:46 PM | Anonymous

The 1926 Republic of Ireland Census, set to go online in April 2026, will provide a unique snapshot of Ireland's population, age, occupation, religion, housing and the Irish language.

The National Archives of Ireland project has announced that as part of a €5 million project the Republic of Ireland's 1926 Census results will be available online, free of charge, from April 2026.

Personal information entered on individual census forms can be published 100 years after a census is taken. Since the personal information contained in the 1901 and 1911 census returns was published a decade ago, public interest in genealogy has mushroomed, and this continues with a growing interest in the detail contained in the 1926 census.

These returns contain the personal details of each individual alive at the time in Ireland. The 1926 census collected 21 data sets such as name, age, sex, marital status, religion, housing conditions and ability to speak Irish. It is planned to digitize and publish all data sets. This information will undoubtedly provide a fascinating snapshot of life in Ireland in 1926 and will be of great use to both the Irish public and diaspora worldwide.

The 1926 census collected 21 data sets. These include:

1) Name and surname

2) Relationship to head of household.

3) Age (in years and months).

4) Sex.

5) Marriage or orphanhood.

6) Birthplace (including name of parish).

7) Irish language.

8) Religion.

9) Occupation and employment: personal occupation.

10) Occupation and employment: employment/name of employer.

11) Information regarding present marriage required from married women: number of completed years and months of present marriage, and number of children born alive to present marriage.

12) Information regarding present and previous marriages required from married men, widowers and widows: the number of living sons, daughters, step-sons and step-daughters under 16 years of age, whether residing as members of this household or elsewhere.

13) The total area in statute acres of all agricultural holdings (if any) situated in the Irish Free State of which persons usually resident in this household are the rated occupiers.

For more details on the 1926 Census visit:

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