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Discovering Your African Roots Through DNA Testing is Tracing Roots Back Hundreds of Years

3 Aug 2022 8:31 PM | Anonymous

The WXYZ web site has an interesting article written by Ameera David that describes Black American genealogy research:

Black adults in the United States are more likely than any other group to see race as central to their identity. For many of those Americans, descended from enslaved Africans, the roots of their identity through ancestry remains a mystery.

When enslaved people were captured from the continent and brought to the Americas, they lost their names, they lost their languages, they lost the freedom to honor their ancestors,” said Gina Paige, President and Co-founder of

Today those ancestors’ descendants are on a quest to reclaim what was taken all those years ago.

“I can only go so far back in my family as far as my great grandparents on one side and grandparents on the other side, and that was not enough for me,” said Evan Chaney, researching his family history.

Unlike his grandparents, Evan could use DNA to pick up, where the paper trail had ended- a test through that could trace his roots back hundreds of years to a specific country and ethnic group.

You can read the full story at:

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