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After 37 Years, Avotaynu Inc. is Closing Its Doors

20 Jul 2022 10:05 AM | Anonymous

Sad news. One of the more valuable genealogy services is closing down. The following was written by senior managers at Avotaynu Inc.:

After 37 years, Avotaynu Inc, publisher of works for Jewish genealogy, is closing its doors. The Winter issue of its journal, AVOTAYNU, which is currently being distributed, will be the last edition. The final edition of “Nu? What’s New” was published some weeks ago. Book selling will continue to exist. In anticipation of this day, Avotaynu, Inc sold its book selling business to a company in Massachusetts more than a year ago, and it is operating in a normal manner. Books ordered through the site are processed by this company.

During its 37-year tenure, Avotaynu Inc produced 145 issues of its journal AVOTAYNU, more than 500 editions of its ezine, “Nu? What’s Nu?” and more than 80 books. Five of its books received awards and in 2004, the company received the “Body of Work” Award of the Association of Jewish Libraries.

Avotaynu’s doors may reopen in the future. We are looking into various methods of advancing Jewish genealogy using the internet.

You can learn more about Avotaynu Inc. at:

(That web page might not remain online for much longer.)

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