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Texas Oral History Association, Baylor University Libraries Launch Initiative to Locate, Make Accessible State’s Collections of Oral Memoirs

12 May 2022 5:58 PM | Anonymous

A new statewide initiative of the Texas Oral History Association (TOHA) and the Baylor University Institute for Oral History (BUIOH) seeks to create a publicly-accessible listing of all known oral history collections in Texas thanks to a new project called the Texas Oral History Locator Database, or TOLD.

Tens of thousands of interviews on various historical topics are currently scattered across the State of Texas, but just where they can be found and what content they possess largely remain a mystery to all but the most diligent of researchers. The goal of the TOLD project is to identify as many of these collections as possible and to provide a free searchable platform on which to discover them. Collection holders interested in participating can fill out a brief survey at

You can read more about this initiative at:

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