The following is from the State Archives of North Carolina blog:
"We are excited to announce that eleven counties of Search Room microfilm have been completely added to our online searchable database, Discover Online Catalog (DOC)!
"The completed counties are Albemarle (defunct), Ashe, Avery, Bute (defunct), Cherokee, Chowan, Clay, Dobbs (defunct), Gates, Graham, and Tryon (defunct).
"As stated in our previous post regarding this project, many of the county records we have on microfilm are not available in their original format so be sure to check the microfilm Search Room holdings for unique records. The county microfilm added to DOC includes a variety of records ranging from Minute Dockets to Record of Deeds to Marriage Records.
"If the record has an “MF-“ that precedes the container ID, this indicates that it is Search Room microfilm. “Physical Access” notes are also present in records where Search Room microfilm can be found."
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