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GenSoftReviews Announces its Users Choice Awards for 2021

5 Jan 2022 8:32 AM | Anonymous

The following announcement was written by Louis Kessler:

January 4, 2021

The 13th annual Users Choice Awards have been announced at the GenSoftReviews website:

43 programs were eligible having a minimum of 10 reviews and at least one review in 2021. Of those, 27 programs achieved a user-assigned average score of at least 4.00 out of 5, and each wins a 2021 GenSoftReviews Top Rated Genealogy Software award.

The top program for 2021 was Online Repository Assistant, by Family History Hosting. This subscription-based Windows program is an “automated assistant” for use with online repositories including Ancestry, FamilySearch, and others. In 2021, the program received its first-ever reviews on GenSoftReviews. All 11 reviews were 5-star ratings and the program’s average rating was 5.00 out of 5.

The 2nd ranked program for 2021 was ScionPC by Robbie J Akins. ScionPC is a full-featured “Genealogical Management System” for Windows that the developer stopped supporting in 2018. The free software still has enthusiastic users and is still available at many software download sites. The program has had 11 reviews with a rating of 4.99 out of 5.

3rd ranked was Familienbande, by Stefan Mettenbrink - a free full featured genealogy application for Windows, MacOS X, and Linux, with both German and English websites. It has had 57 reviews with a rating of 4.98 out of 5.00.

The other 24 winners were:  webtrees, Centurial, Personal Ancestral File (PAF) , GedSite, The Master Genealogist (TMG) , The Next Generation (TNG),  FTAnalyzer (Family Tree Analyzer),  Aldfaer, Relatively Yours, Genealogie Online,  Generations, Brother's Keeper,  Ancestor Tree Manager,  Family Historian,  Ahnenblatt,  Family Tree Maker - Up To Version 16, Family Book Creator,  iFamily for Mac,  Ancestral Quest, Famberry, Family Tree Journal, Reunion, My Family Tree, and Oxy-gen.

GenSoftReviews congratulates the developers of these programs for producing software that their users are willing to review and rate highly. Developers of all programs are encouraged to read their program’s reviews at GenSoftReviews to see what their users like and what needs improvement.

A full list of the 2021 GenSoftReviews Users Choice Award winners as well as a list of previous winners is available at:


GenSoftReviews is a genealogy software ratings site developed in 2008 by Louis Kessler, a long-time genealogist and developer of the genealogy software Behold and the DNA analysis software Double Match Triangulator.

The GenSoftReviews Users Choice Awards have been awarded annually every January for every year since 2009. Awards are based on user ratings that are time-weighted so that older ratings have less weight than newer ratings.

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