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Applied Genealogy Institute Announces Classes for Spring 2022

6 Dec 2021 7:45 AM | Anonymous

The following was written by the Applied Genealogy Institute (AppGen):

Seattle, Washington: Today Applied Genealogy Institute (AppGen) announced their classes for spring 2022. AppGen will offer the following courses taught by these nationally known instructors during March and April of 2022.:

• “Researching Catholic Records,” Margaret Fortier, CG

• “Genealogy Foundations I: Focus on Using Records,” Lisa Gorrell, CG

• “Applied Genetic Genealogy,” Leah Larkin

• “Getting Lost in Ledgers,” Diane Richard

• “Advanced Swedish Research,” Jill Morelli, CG

Mary Roddy, CG, founder of Applied Genealogy Institute stated, “We received many fine proposals and it was difficult to make a decision. We picked the ones that met the criteria of unique topics, taught by proven instructors and which lent themselves to the practicum approach. We look forward to launching our second series in the Spring of 2022.”

AppGen is a virtual practicum-based educational opportunity for intermediate and advanced genealogists. Courses are characterized by small classes with a high degree of interaction; knowledgeable instructors who offer unique content; and personal instructor feedback to homework---a unique combination.

The latest offerings are presented by instructors who are experts in their field with proven teaching experience. Lisa Gorrell, CG taught “Land Records” in AppGen’s inaugural semester to rave reviews from the students. Margaret Fortier is a known expert in French Canadian and Italian records and has had deep experience working for and with Catholic dioceses and their records. Leah Larkin is the author of the outstanding blog, “The DNA Geek,” and lectures nationally. Diane Richard has been “mining” ledgers for familial relationships whenever she finds herself in a burned county. Jill Morelli, CG is a national expert on Swedish research with numerous publications and a deep knowledge of the mantals tax records

Registration will be open after the first of the year. Specific dates and times for the March and April courses will be announced as they are made available. Sign upon the AppGen Mailing List to receive notifications first at

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