The following announcement was written by the Family History Federation and Parish Chest:
The Family History Federation and Parish Chest are hosting their second FHF REALLY USEFUL Family History Show on Saturday 10th April.
Following the format of the extremely popular first show, there will be a raft of top presentations on genealogical topics along with access to family history societies and commercial vendors. New for April will be a number of workshops.
Regular announcements providing further details will appear on the show website and associated media.
WATCH THIS SPACE for announcements and updates!
This is THE show for unique opportunity to visit many family history societies for access to local expertise and information, and other organisations providing supplies for the family historian.
BOOK NOW and do all this from the comfort of your armchair at home!
Early-bird booking costs just £7.50 per person!
After 31st January, it will cost £10 per person
BOOK NOW to visit the festival of Really Useful things for family historians!